Bringing a new product to market takes careful planning. Make your next launch easier by using a marketing strategy template that is based on the product adoption curve.

The product adoption curve describes how different types of buyers adopt to new products at different rates. Each stage requires brands to use a different approach to message and value that will resonate with what buyer in that stage needs.


Marketing Strategy Template based on the Product Adoption Curve

Innovators | is it different, cutting edge?

The innovators are many times tech enthusiasts who are willing the try something unknown as long as it’s interesting and different. If your product is a new solution to the category play up it’s cutting edge elements.

Early Adopters | interesting trend, what’s possible?

Early adopters are willing to take a chance on new technology as long as they can see how it can work better than what they’re using today. Use a marketing strategy template that plays up an educational element.

Early Majority | show me it can work for me

Buyers in this stage are pragmatic and need to be shown how your product can help them. To effectively move these buyers your marketing needs to leverage more proof sources like case studies and ROI calculators.

Late Majority | who else is using it?

Late Majority buyers are looking for third party proof that comes from seeing who else is using the product. Testimonials are especially effecting for this stage of the product adoption curve.

Laggards | its a fad

If you’re bringing a new product to market that is targeting this segment, good luck. They’ll eventually move to the new technology, but probably not before Apple releases iPhone 10.

Align your marketing strategy template with your buyer’s need

Where does your offering fall with in the product adoption curve? Know the answer to that question and you can start planning your go-to-market strategy more efficiently.